Depended Visa
An individual who is a resident of a country or possessing a legal non-immigrant status can apply for a dependent visa for their nearest family members. The demarcation of which family members can be given a dependent visa is often changeable from country to country and it is important to have a professional consultant to help you through the process. Children, adopted children, parents, spouses are some direct relations who are eligible for a Dependent Visa.
This visa requires a very particular set of documents that need to be submitted along with the application forms that need to be filled. The information needs to be filled with great care to avoid any possible slip-ups. The rules for this visa change from country to country and have a different set of requirements as well. These rules and norms also change depending upon various global conditions, local requirements, the job market, etc. Due to the changeability of these factors it is almost impossible for a lay individual to know enough about this process to make it through unscathed. This is exactly why one needs to hire the services of professional consultants like immigration window to help make your process easier.
Some countries, like Australia, allow your partner who you are not married to, to get a dependent visa provided you can prove that you have lived together for 12 months. Married couples, however, simply need to produce a marriage certificate. There are some countries that allow Dependent Visa holders to work for a few hours every week. Student Visa holders can also nominate their spouse or child for a Dependent Visa. This however, requires an undertaking from the sponsor that the person being issued the Dependent Visa will return back to the country of their origin.
The process requires a number of documents that need to be submitted and a host of forms that need to be filled. The proof of relationship also needs to be established thanks to the documents that are submitted. The documents also need to be attested. At immigration window we ensure that our clients are guided through the entire process without a hitch and that they obtain their Dependent Visa easily.